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Contact Us

Student Health and Well-Being Admin areas:

Student Health Insurance

Phone: (858) 534-2124
Fax: (858) 822-5910

Be sure to write the word secure: in the subject line to protect your personal information!


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00am–4:00pm PST
Thursday: 9:00am–4:00pm PST

Please note: The Insurance office does not offer in-person meetings. Please call, email, or attend one of our zoom meetings for any questions or concerns. We are closed on weekends and university holidays.

Zoom Meetings

Mondays, 11am–12pm PST at

Wednesdays, 11am–12pm PST at

Fridays, 11am–12pm PST at


The Insurance office is located in the Student Health Services building on Library Walk, west of the Price Center, and south of Geisel Library.

Mailing Address

​UC San Diego Student Health Services (0039)
9521 Mandeville Lane
La Jolla, CA 92093-0039​

Medical Records

Phone: (858) 534-2139
Fax: (858) 534-7545

Keep your information private!

If you are covered by another person's health insurance, whether your parent's or spouse's, your health information will not be kept private unless you take action. ​

Know how to keep your health information confidential.

Additional Contact Information


If you plan to have a scheduled appointment with a provider outside of Student Health on campus, you need to secure a referral before going to the appointment.  Please call Insurance at 858-534-2124 and we will assist you in getting an urgent referral offsite and provide you with information on how to find contracted providers.  No referral is required for urgent care, emergency room, dental, or vision care.


If you have questions regarding billing for services at UCSD Health System, please call them at 855-827-3633.


If you have questions about your benefits and coverage under SHIP, please call Anthem Blue Cross PPO at 866-940-8306.

Health Fee (SHIP) Waivers

If you have questions about a waiver denial or changes to your coverage, please call us at 858-534-2124 or email ASAP.

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